シーラ・クリフの -元気・笑顔・着物-(第3回 単衣)



学生たちは例年の夏休みならできるはずの夏祭りや海水浴や遊園地へ行って楽しむこともなく学校に戻るので、今年は地元の季節の移り変わりを見て楽しむよりありませんが、季節をまとうことで、きっと楽しみや豊かさを日々の暮らしに加えることができると思います。どうです、「たんす屋」に行って季節のきものをさがしてみませんか? 日本で手に入る旬の食材と合わせて季節のきものを楽しむことをお勧めします。

Tansu-Ya Blog 3. September 2021
Now is the season for hitoe kimono. June and September are the official times for wearing them, but with the increasing temperatures we have, it makes sense now to wear them in May and October too. I love hitoe kimono. Although they do not have the contrasting lining, they are easy to wear. They are lighter and cooler than regular lined kimono. Cotton kimono are usually hitoe. Striped cottons, such as Kawagoe Touzan are very stylish casual wear. Denim also makes an attractive hitoe kimono. I have some hitoe silk kimono too. Tsumugi kimono tend to be very warm, and I think it makes sense to have them made up as hitoe, as they will still be warm enough until the coldest part of winter. Oshima, Yuki and striped tsumugi look very beautiful as hitoe kimono. I have been taking apart used kimono and having them washed remade in my size as hitoe kimono. It is cheaper than making awase kimono, and they can look very nice. I even have some hitoe furisode.
I think autumn is my favourite season. I can already see fallen cherry leaves and higan bana. Autumn designs are very lovely too. At the end of the summer we can wear dragon flies and pampas grass, and then enjoy grapes, maple leaves and chrysanthemums of many kinds. I love rabbits playing under the moon as well. It is unusual to see vegetables on western dress, but we can see peppers, eggplants and gourds on kimono. I also love the pattern of ears of rice in the rice fields, that remind me what a rich season this is.
As students will be going back to school without having enjoyed the summer festivals or trips to the sea and amusement parks that are common in the summer holidays, this year we will have to be content with watching the seasons change locally. However, wearing the season can certainly add to our enjoyment and enrich our daily lives. How about a trip to Tansu Ya to look for seasonal kimono? I recommend enjoying seasonal kimono along with seasonal foods that are available in Japan.

イギリス出身の着物研究家・着付師・着付け講師。1985年に来日し、着物文化の伝道師として活躍。ビジュアル書籍『SHEILA KIMONO STYLE』(かもめの本棚) の出版や、テレビ・CMの出演により人気上昇中の文化人。たんす屋の催事イベント内のトークショーにもたびたび出演していただいており、毎回好評を博している。
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