シーラ・クリフの -元気・笑顔・着物-(第7回 帯)
平安時代の十二単は帯ではなく、紐で締めていました。室町時代に、これらの結び紐にカラフルな織りを使い始め、その端を見せるようになりました。江戸時代に帯は誕生し、みるみる発達進化していきました! もちろん、今では帯なしで着物を着ることはできません。ペアなのです。ただし、別の帯を選択することで、着物の見た目を完全に変えることができます。着物と帯の組み合わせはとても楽しく、スタイリングの可能性は膨大です。
個人的には大正時代の刺繡緞子帯(ししゅうどんすおび)が好きです。それらのいくつかは表に見事なデザインの鳥や動物、そして美しい職人技の花が描かれています。多くの場合、その柄は明るい色付けで、私の気分も明るくなります。往々にしてこの時代の帯はかなり短尺なので、手先なしで着なければなりません。少し丸みを帯びた形になります。ただ、私はデザインの方が形良く締めることよりも重要だと思っています。初心者の方には、 兵児帯 (へこおび)もお勧めです。それらは基本的に一枚の長い布であり、大きなリボンの形に結ぶことができます。カジュアルで締めやすいです。
Tansu-Ya Blog 7. January 2022
Happy New Year. At Christmas and New Year there are always presents. Japan has great ways to wrap presents. I love the noshi that go on gifts. Well, I think the obi is kind of a noshi for kimono. The kimono wraps you up, like a present and the obi holds it all together. I think that is why I always feel that I look more beautiful when I wear a kimono. Now we always think of kimono and obi as a pair. However, kimono were not always worn with an obi.
Heian period junihitoe were not held with an obi but with a himo, tie. In the Muromachi period they started to use colourful weaving for these ties and let the ends show. By the Edo period the obi was born and it grew and grew! Of course, we cannot wear a kimono without an obi now. They are a pair. However, we can completely change the look of our kimono by choosing a different obi. It is the combination of kimono and obi that is so fun and offers many possibilities for styling. There are so many different types of obi that sometimes it is hard to choose. Nishijin ori are really beautiful for formal wear and show the great skills of the weavers. For more casual wear hakata are always a good choice. There are many fun and colourful cotton and polyester half-width obi for casual wear too, these days.
I personally like the embroidered donsu obi of the taisho period. Some of them have wonderful birds or animals on them as well as beautifully worked flowers. Often they are brightly coloured and they make me feel cheerful. Usually they are rather short and I have to wear them with no tesaki. It makes the shape a little rounded. However, I think the design is more important than making a flat shape. For beginners I recommend using heko obi too. They are basically a long piece of cloth and can be tied in a big ribbon. They are casual and easy to wear. These days young people are also using belts and other fashionable items such as home-made obi dome on their obi. An obi is a great fashion item. It is good to have plenty of obi to go with your kimono!
イギリス出身の着物研究家・着付師・着付け講師。1985年に来日し、着物文化の伝道師として活躍。ビジュアル書籍『Sheila Kimono Style Plus』(かもめの本棚) の出版や、テレビ・CMの出演により人気上昇中の文化人。たんす屋の催事イベント内のトークショーにもたびたび出演していただいており、毎回好評を博している。
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