シーラ・クリフの -元気・笑顔・着物-(第11回 江戸小紋)




Tansu-Ya Blog 9. March 2022
Edo komon are interesting kimono. They are made with stencils that have tiny holes punched in them. This work is all done by hand, by skilled stencil cutters. These tiny holes are arranged into many kinds of patterns, such as shark skin, rain drops, tiny flowers or stripes. From a distance they look plain, but when you get close you can see the pattern of fine dots on the single coloured kimono. Of course, as with many Japanese crafts the artisans liked to make the pattern finer and finer to show off their skills. The finer the pattern, the more skilled the worker and the higher the price. However, my favourites are not the very fine ones, I prefer a little more definition, so I can see the pattern. The dyers also had to be very skilled to lay the small stencil repeatedly on the cloth so that no one could see where the join was, between each stencil pattern. They have to repeat the stencil pasting for 12 meters for one kimono. After the pasting the single colour is brushed on top.
Originally, in the Edo period, Edo komon patterns were used on samurai’s kami shimo. They were for men, and for the military class. But ordinary people loved the patterns and invented many new and playful ones, so Edo komon became very popular, at a time when it was important not to dress above your rank.
From a distance the Edo komon can look rather dull because the colour is mixed with white. But one of their attractions is the difference in looking from far away, and looking from close up. It is perhaps unique to Edo komon and some finely made hand-woven kasuri kimono. Edo komon is still popular today and it is woven in the Ochiai and Nakai areas of Shinjuku. Shinjuku was the center of Edo’s dyeing industry and there are still many workshops there. Edo komon patterns are not only seen on kimono, but can also be seen on stationary and on interior goods. The patterns remain as an understated, but attractive design that crosses the ages, the seasons and can be enjoyed by everyone.

イギリス出身の着物研究家・着付師・着付け講師。1985年に来日し、着物文化の伝道師として活躍。ビジュアル書籍『Sheila Kimono Style Plus』(かもめの本棚) の出版や、テレビ・CMの出演により人気上昇中の文化人。たんす屋の催事イベント内のトークショーにもたびたび出演していただいており、毎回好評を博している。
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